Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My attempt at Lunar Photography
I wanted to check it out, so I woke at 2:20 to see if I could catch any bit of it.
Armed with my trusty little camera I attempted to capture the moment.
Not exactly zine worthy, but considering I had a beast of a street light 50ft away and no other special equipment, I think it came out OK. I’m actually pretty proud I was able to pull this out of my lil camera, and it gave me a deeper understanding of what my little camera can actually accomplish.
And this is the challenge I had to get around to achieve my hazy little picture. (damn the street lights!)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Self Portrait
In my imagination the creation scene for this one played out like this.
Its was about
Saturday, August 18, 2007
a rose by any other name
Standard tags bore me; I mean what’s so great about scratching your name all over town? How can you “claim” something that you obviously can’t defend? Plastering your name all over town is like a dog pissing on a fire hydrant. It’s a weak and temporary attempt to exert dominion over other people or things. It reveals the authors insecurity and weakness. Not my thing.
But throwing up a character, symbol, or spontaneous mural is much more creative and has much more of an ancient feel to me. Man has been drawing pictograms of his surroundings for hundreds of thousands of years, and to me Urban Art like this is just the continuation of this eternal human need.
Besides its public art, in a much more Marxist way and I appreciate the simple rebellion of it all. It makes the world like a giant people’s gallery; free to all. Whoo Hoo!
So, yeah you’ll probably be seeing a lot of this kind of stuff being posted here, I just love it.
--I found this little guy on a newspaper box on Market Street in the Castro District in SF.Friday, August 17, 2007
Whatz-it? Its a model of the Starship Enterprise that I made out of office supplies. Now you know what I do with eternity.
Inspired by my Sister, Ive started a Photo-Blog.
Im often shooting things that are weird or that interest me, and this is a place for me to post/examine/explore/track/ponder/feel/wonder/massage/taste/and log all ofthose things.
So it is written, so it shall be done.