Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yes we can.

I’ve seen least three of these around the city, I'm sure there’s more. But I started to wonder if Shepard Fairey actually still goes out in the dark of night and still posts these himself, or is there a mad crew of Fairey worshipers that go out and do it for him and if so where do I sign up? And how cool is that? You start out as a renegade stencil artist and wind up king of all Urban art and people like Barack Obama hire you to create campaign posters for the most historic election in 100 years. It’s a gawd damned Cinderella story. *tear*

And I really REALLY love his work. Someone for the love of gawd buy me a print or two. PLeeeeease.


Love this one. Its just too easy to make fun of Palin. Sadly most of these I saw posted got pulled down within a few days. Next time post them on abandoned buildings guys.


Found on the corner of 8th and Harrison, SF

The Grand Lake

One of the last remaining independent movie theaters in area. Famous for their opinionated marquee, they're not just a neighborhood movie theater. Every month they hold everything from public meetings to local independent documentaries. We were there that night to watch one made by a co-worker.